Terms and Conditions

Fanotrading.com is the website of FANO, published by FANO

Registered office:

Platanen 4, 8300 Knokke-Heist, Belgium, info@fanotrading.com, VAT number: BE 520.924.345



Any visit to this FANO website is subject to these Terms and Conditions. By visiting the website, the user tacitly agrees to the applicability of the General Terms and Conditions, regardless of whether it concerns a free visit to the website or a visit for which payment is made to FANO in one way or another.



FANO strives to ensure that the information on its website is up-to-date, reliable and complete. Consultation and use of the website is at the risk of the visitor. FANO does not guarantee the correctness, completeness and accuracy of the information on its website, regardless of whether it concerns information collected by itself or supplied by third parties. It is therefore not liable for possible damage of any kind, both direct and indirect, that the visitor would suffer in the context of visiting this website. Nor is it liable for telecommunication costs that are higher than expected or customary, regardless of the medium used by the visitor. FANO is not liable for any malfunctions, interruptions or errors in the network. It reserves the right to optimize or adapt the structure, content of its services and/or website at any time and without prior notice. A temporary delay or unavailability cannot give rise to any compensation or other financial compensation.

The information on this website about prices, investments, trends, forecasts meets the highest professional standards. It is provided for information purposes only and can in no way be regarded as investment advice. We are therefore never liable for damage that you would believe to suffer as a result of a decision that you would (partly) take on the basis of this information.

FANO is not responsible for any decision or action taken by the user based on the information or data provided; nor is it responsible for errors or mistakes; nor is it responsible to the user or any third party for any direct, indirect, incidental, loss of profit, loss of opportunity, or any damage whatsoever caused by its negligence or omission in providing, compiling, assembling, writing, interpreting, reporting and disseminating of information or data by means of this service, even if warned of such damage.


Links to other websites

The website may contain multiple links to third party websites. This does not necessarily mean that FANO recommends these websites, agrees with their content or collaborates with these sites in any way. Nor does FANO give any warranty as to the suitability, correctness or completeness of these websites. FANO can never be held responsible for damage in the context of visiting these websites.



FANO grants the user a temporary, non-exclusive and non-transferable license with respect to the content of this site. This also applies if the user gains access to, among other things, paying parts or services of the website by means of a login that he receives from a third party, such as e.g. his employer. In the latter case, the user also undertakes to comply with the terms of use agreed with this third party.

This license to the content and the assigned login may not be shared with other persons or exercised simultaneously on different equipment. The license is not transferable to third parties, unless with prior written permission from FANO.


Accessing and using our website

You have the right to use our website for private purposes. Commercial use (such as the use of (parts of) the website to generate advertising revenue, the (partial) copying of content) is prohibited. You must not interfere with the normal operation of our website, and you undertake to observe the following rules of conduct on our website:

(1) Not infringe the intellectual property rights of FANO or of the authors, in the broad sense, who post works on our website;

(2) Do not act that interferes with the use of this website by other visitors;

(3) Do not distribute spam or other inappropriate messages or information through our website;

(4) Do not distribute viruses or other malware;

(5) Do not use or install ad blockers, or otherwise block advertising or content on our website. You agree that the publisher has the right to post a script that detects ad blockers.

(6) evade or interfere with the security of this website;

(7) Do not use any means for searching or indexing (parts of) this website, such as robots or spiders (except if the visitor is a search engine);

In the event of non-compliance with one or more of these rules of conduct, we reserve the right to refuse you access to our website.


Intellectual property rights

The information and services provided on the website, as well as any software useful for its use, are protected by (intellectual) property rights, which belong exclusively to FANO. The reproduction, distribution, sale, publication, adaptation, translation, adaptation or use for commercial purposes in any way whatsoever, in whole or in part, is expressly prohibited. Exceptions to this can only be granted with the prior written consent of FANO.

Storing information from the website in a database is expressly prohibited, with the exception of the automatic ‘caching’ of the information by the browser. You may use or reproduce our articles as a private person for strictly personal use without our permission.

For more information, please visit http://www.license2publish.be/



All disputes arising from your visit to the website and your use of our services will be submitted exclusively to the courts in Brussels for settlement.


General subscription conditions


Subscription prices

The prices for the products and services we offer for sale include VAT (if applicable). Delivery costs are included in the stated price, unless expressly stated otherwise.

We reserve the right to change our prices and our offer at any time.



Unless expressly stated otherwise in a specific sales offer, subscriptions are paid for via online payment.

If you choose an online payment, you will be redirected to the Stripe Gateway. By using this service you agree to these Terms and Conditions. If during the online purchase process the price to be paid cannot be deducted from the account (balance insufficient, incorrect account number, technical problems, …) the sale is considered not to take place.

The provision of payment options does not imply any liability on the part of FANO that the payment system is flawless, without malfunctions, interruptions or errors. FANO is not liable for any damage, direct or indirect, caused by the execution of a payment.

If the customer makes use of the right of withdrawal, the price paid by the customer will be refunded within 14 days following the withdrawal, with the exception of the amounts referred to in point “Right of withdrawal”.

Invoices must be paid within 30 calendar days of the invoice date.

You can only accept the offer validly if you first provide all requested information and accept these general terms and conditions, including the privacy disclaimer.


Duration of subscriptions

Subscriptions are purchased for a specific duration.

Fixed-term subscriptions are paid in advance for the entire duration of the contract.

Subscriptions, with the exception of the trial period, are tacitly and automatically renewed, in accordance with the same duration and the rate applicable at the time of renewal.

The customer can cancel the subscription at any time. The termination of the subscription takes effect after the minimum duration of the subscription. Subscription fees are non-refundable.

You can cancel via the email address info@fanotrading.com.



These general terms and conditions, together with the privacy disclaimer, the terms of use and cookie policy on our websites, govern the entire contractual relationship between you as a customer and FANO nv. You declare that you know and unconditionally accept the general terms and conditions. The general terms and conditions existing at the time of your order are applicable.

Our products and services are offered for sale by FANO , with registered office at Platanen 4, 8300 Knokke-Heist, Belgium. You can contact us by post or by email (info@fanotrading.com) for questions or complaints.

The law of September 1, 2004 on the protection of consumers in the sale of consumer goods is applicable.